Dungeons & Tangents
A conversational D&D podcast
About the show
We are Erik & Robert. Two guys from Portland Oregon who play and run Dungeons & Dragons.
Dungeons & Tangents is our Podcast where we discuss a myriad of topics surrounding D&D.
The culture, the mechanics, new product releases, common mistakes. We cover the full breadth of the D&D world.
And sometimes we get caught in rabbit holes...
Also; we can be persuaded to talk about anything with bribes of dice and miniatures.
Dungeons & Tangents on social media
Episode 17: Setting the Mood
August 29th, 2017 | 31 mins 35 secs
dming, running the game
Want to set the right mood with your D&D Players?
We all do.
In this episode we talk about methods that go beyond the game play.
Creative means of using Audio, Visuals, Props and Voices -
Episode 16: Building a Backstory
August 22nd, 2017 | 36 mins 8 secs
back-story, character generation
We talk all about the back-stories of D&D characters. Do you need one?. Why? Where do I get one?
Episode 15: Anatomy of an Encounter
August 15th, 2017 | 32 mins 6 secs
dming, encounters
Erik and Robert take a close look at the basic parts of D&D Encounter. We dissect encounters down to their key elements, then get into how Bruce Willis doesn't like water.
Episode 14: Session Structure
August 8th, 2017 | 26 mins 14 secs
dming, session logistics, snacks
Erik and Robert take a macro look at a session of D&D. The food, the banter, the setup, the getting settled and eventually the game play.
Episode 13: Massive Tangent #1 - Castlevania
August 1st, 2017 | 40 mins 2 secs
castlevania, netflix, spoilers
This being our 13th episode, we decided to review something spooky. Robert and Erik talk about the new Netflix series "Castlevania". We talk through every monotonous detail of the plot, so... Spoilers!
Episode 12: Tools for Character Generation
July 25th, 2017 | 26 mins 56 secs
character generation, d&d beyond, drivethrurpg, fantasy grounds, hero lab, ogl, open gaming network, roll20, srd
In this episode, Chris and Erik discuss character generation software and third party content systems.
Episode 11: D&D Beyond - Pricing Announcement
July 20th, 2017 | 22 mins 16 secs
curse, d&d beyond, fantasy grounds, ogl, roll20, srd
In this episode, Robert and Erik discuss the recently announced D&D Beyond pricing. What is the pricing, our reaction to it, and how the new tool fits into the growing D&D online ecosystem.
Episode 10: D&D Beyond
July 17th, 2017 | 22 mins 18 secs
curse, d&d beyond, drivethrurpg, fantasy grounds, ogl, roll20, srd, twitch, wizards of the coast
In this episode, Erik and Chris Rutledge discuss the D&D Beyond website. What it is, what it promises to be, and how it came about.
Episode 9: Adventure Prep
July 6th, 2017 | 50 mins 31 secs
campaign management, dming, running the game
In this episode, Robert and Erik discuss DM techniques for preparing a new Adventure.
Episode 8: Memorable Moments
June 18th, 2017 | 52 mins 29 secs
character death, memorable moments
In this episode, Robert and Erik discuss how to make gaming moments that stick with you.
We talk through the three most memorable moments we've experienced, then talk through what it is that make them a fun experience and something we remember years later. -
Episode 7: Metagaming
June 5th, 2017 | 43 mins 17 secs
In this episode, Robert and Erik discuss the contentious subject of metagaming.
We define metagaming as "The use of knowledge from outside a game's universe to gain an advantage inside of a game's universe."
We talk about what it is, how it can help or hurt a gaming experience, ways of stopping or curbing metagaming, horror stories, and donuts. -
Episode 6: Miniatures
May 31st, 2017 | 50 mins 56 secs
This time, Robert and Erik talk Miniatures. Big, medium, and small. Pewter, plastic, and paper. We discuss miniatures that help with tactics and establish a shared understanding.
We talk scale, brands, painting, transportation options, and the sexism of fantasy and how it translates to miniatures. -
Episode 5: Maps
May 10th, 2017 | 56 mins 38 secs
In this Episode, Robert and Erik talk Maps.
We discuss maps that inspire, establish setting, help with tactics or help establish a shared understanding. Then we get philosophical about how maps and other inspirational pieces need to leave gaps that the viewer can fill with their imagination. It gets all existential. Then we talked about Mel Gibson LARPing.
Episode 4: Narration
May 4th, 2017 | 44 mins 48 secs
In this Episode, Chris Rutledge joins Erik to talk about Narration. We discuss back stories, settings, imagery verses perception, environmental consistency, building your descriptive vocabulary and a bunch of other subjects. They all surround the central ideas of keeping the players engaged, believing in the world of the game, and having fun.
Episode 3: Table Manners
April 30th, 2017 | 1 hr 3 mins
In this Episode, Robert and Erik talk Table Manners. We discuss an obscene amount of topics: Good and bad Banter, staying focused while gaming, eating at the table, knowing the rules, player preparedness, arguing with DMs, and what DMs can do to ruin a game.
Episode 2: We can talk about dice for hours
April 29th, 2017 | 58 mins 53 secs
chessex, d&d, dice, gamescience
In this Episode, Robert and Erik talk dice... for an hour! We discuss the purpose of dice, dice accuracy, dice superstitions, dice rolling, and our first memories of dice.