Jake Herold
Co-Host of Dungeons & Tangents
Jake has been playing reindeer games like Magic the Gathering, Fate, and D&D for a good stretch of time. D&D 5th Edition is the one game that's truly captured his imagination. Jake DMed for the "D&D Next" Beta group (which became 5e) and continues to play 5e as a player.
Jake Herold has hosted six Episodes.
Episode 42: Backstories (Part 2) - The Backening
June 19th, 2018 | 42 mins 33 secs
In Episode 16 of of this podcast we talked about the process of creating a Character's Backstory. But once you have that backstory, what do you do with it?
This episode we talk about how backstories are integrated into game play. We discuss the differences between writing an elaborate backstory or creating a simple character concept. Halfway though this episode we inadvertently develop a new backstory generation technique. We discuss that and more, this week on Dungeons & Tangents -
Episode 41: Massive Tangents #4 - The Pokemon Universe is a DARK place
June 12th, 2018 | 19 mins 45 secs
massive tangent
Sometimes, when the mics are on, we start talking about some odd things.
And sometimes those odd things are worth sharing with our listeners.This episode started as a couple of off hand comments from Ben. What resulted was a very dark conversation about the horrors of Universe that Surrounds Pokemon.
Follow us down a Massive Tangent, this week on Dungeons & Tangents
Episode 40: Religion & Role-playing
June 5th, 2018 | 45 mins 5 secs
Role-playing games have had a difficult time getting along with religion, and specifically American Christians.
From the start, there was a disconnect between them.
Sadly, misunderstandings in the early 80's started a feud that continues to this day.
It's a difficult and sensitive subject, but we will discuss that and more, this week on Dungeons & Tangents. -
Episode 39: How Players Become Murder Hobos
May 22nd, 2018 | 35 mins
The term "Murder Hobo" is a recently popularized term. It is, however, a surprisingly accurate description of the tendency for some D&D players to use killing as their primary problem solving tool.
Is it a result of video game culture? Antagonistic DMs? Or maybe it's just the nature of playing D&D?
We'll discuss how players become Murder Hobos, this week on Dungeons & Tangents. -
Episode 38: Munchkin Mechanics
May 15th, 2018 | 30 mins 52 secs
There have been loopholes in nearly every editions of D&D. Those loopholes are often the target of "Munchkins", or players who will exploit any and every advantage in a rule-set.
Obviously, the DM has the ultimate authority to allow such exploitation, but these cracks in the rules can still cause headaches.
We'll walk through a series of examples and discuss the implications of Munchkin Mechanics, this week on Dungeons & Tangents -
Episode 37: Every Edition of D&D
May 8th, 2018 | 1 hr 9 mins
Dungeons & Dragons was first published in 1974. But the game has changed a lot in the last 4 decades. There have been 8 official versions released in that time. Some with small, incremental changes. Some that fundamentally transformed the feel and mechanics of the game.
We discuss what we know about each version, what makes them different, and how and why the game changed this week on Dungeons & Tangents.