Robert Sherman
Co-Host of Dungeons & Tangents
I love D&D, maps, and dice.
Robert Sherman has hosted 38 Episodes.
Episode 25: Massive Tangent #3 - Who's the best Joker
November 7th, 2017 | 6 mins 2 secs
Hey everyone and welcome to Dungeons & Tangents
Today Robert and Erik B.S. about Batman and the Joker.
This is a SUPER short Episode because it was a spur of the moment thing.
But we just had to share it because Erik does his impersonation of Mark Hamil's Joker.
Also, Erik will be on vacation for a week so we're padding out our schedule wink wink -
Episode 24: Criticals and Fumbles
October 24th, 2017 | 30 mins 53 secs
dming, game mechanics, running the game
This Episode we're talking about, perhaps the most overused phrase in D&D; "Critical Hit".
It's the moment in every D&D game where people scream and jump up and down. But Critical Hits haven't always been part of the game. We discuss the history, the mechanics, the narrative, and the different variations of critical hits and misses. -
Episode 23: Alternative Methods of Play
October 10th, 2017 | 38 mins 35 secs
This episode Robert and Erik discuss 4 Alternative Methods of playing D&D.
Play by mail, Flex groups,
We go through the good and the bad of each one. Of course we talk about our opinions and experiences. Because... that's kinda how this podcast goes. -
Episode 22: THAC0 & Armor Class
October 3rd, 2017 | 33 mins 33 secs
character sheet, game mechanics
Remember THAC0? What a THAC0 crap.
In this episode we're going to recap the history of Armor Class and Attack Bonuses from 1st Edition of D&D through 5th edition. -
Episode 21: Psionics & Dinosaurs
September 26th, 2017 | 26 mins 34 secs
culture, stranger things
The two of us get into a heated debate about Telepathy and T-Rexes in our worlds of Swords of Sorcery.
Episode 20: Initiative
September 19th, 2017 | 24 mins 5 secs
dming, encounters, running the game
Initiative is the D&D mechanic for deciding the order of play during an encounter.
As players of D&D we don't often question how initiative works or how it could be different.
But in this episode Robert and Erik do exactly that. Why do we use initiative? And what alternatives are there?
Is there a better way to run initiative? -
Episode 19: Massive Tangent #2 - Rose City Comic Con 2017
September 12th, 2017 | 47 mins 7 secs
comic con, culture
This week Robert and Erik talk about the 2017 Rose City Comic Con.
Rose City Comic Con is an annual comic book and pop culture convention that takes place here in Portland, Oregon each September.
We went with some friends, saw the sights and wanted to share what we saw and out thoughts on Comic Cons in generalThe content of this episode is not 100% Dungeons and Dragons oriented, but chances are, we'll touch on subjects you care about.
Episode 18: Death of a Character
September 5th, 2017 | 27 mins 12 secs
dming, running the game
This episode we discuss the most unfortunate thing that can happen in a game of D&D.
Running out of snacks.
I mean... A player's Character Dying.
We ask the question: "Can a game of D&D still be fun when a character dies?"
And then we answer that question. -
Episode 17: Setting the Mood
August 29th, 2017 | 31 mins 35 secs
dming, running the game
Want to set the right mood with your D&D Players?
We all do.
In this episode we talk about methods that go beyond the game play.
Creative means of using Audio, Visuals, Props and Voices -
Episode 16: Building a Backstory
August 22nd, 2017 | 36 mins 8 secs
back-story, character generation
We talk all about the back-stories of D&D characters. Do you need one?. Why? Where do I get one?
Episode 15: Anatomy of an Encounter
August 15th, 2017 | 32 mins 6 secs
dming, encounters
Erik and Robert take a close look at the basic parts of D&D Encounter. We dissect encounters down to their key elements, then get into how Bruce Willis doesn't like water.
Episode 14: Session Structure
August 8th, 2017 | 26 mins 14 secs
dming, session logistics, snacks
Erik and Robert take a macro look at a session of D&D. The food, the banter, the setup, the getting settled and eventually the game play.
Episode 13: Massive Tangent #1 - Castlevania
August 1st, 2017 | 40 mins 2 secs
castlevania, netflix, spoilers
This being our 13th episode, we decided to review something spooky. Robert and Erik talk about the new Netflix series "Castlevania". We talk through every monotonous detail of the plot, so... Spoilers!
Episode 11: D&D Beyond - Pricing Announcement
July 20th, 2017 | 22 mins 16 secs
curse, d&d beyond, fantasy grounds, ogl, roll20, srd
In this episode, Robert and Erik discuss the recently announced D&D Beyond pricing. What is the pricing, our reaction to it, and how the new tool fits into the growing D&D online ecosystem.
Episode 9: Adventure Prep
July 6th, 2017 | 50 mins 31 secs
campaign management, dming, running the game
In this episode, Robert and Erik discuss DM techniques for preparing a new Adventure.
Episode 8: Memorable Moments
June 18th, 2017 | 52 mins 29 secs
character death, memorable moments
In this episode, Robert and Erik discuss how to make gaming moments that stick with you.
We talk through the three most memorable moments we've experienced, then talk through what it is that make them a fun experience and something we remember years later.